Rethinking Mental Health: From Stigma to Wellness

Mental health counseling in Orange County California, Newport Beach, Irvine, adults and teens

From Illness to Wellness

Language is a powerful tool that can shape perceptions and attitudes, particularly in the realm of mental health. Having worked in the mental health industry for over two decades, I often grapple with the term “mental illness.” Recently, I watched a news story where a well-meaning psychiatrist discussed the importance of dispelling the negative stigma attached to mental health. However, throughout the interview, he repeatedly used the phrase “mental illness,” which prompted me to reconsider the language we use in this field. Here, I’ll explore why shifting our language from “illness” to “wellness” can make a significant difference.

The Importance of Language in Mental Health

The field of mental health has made significant progress over the years, leading to a greater understanding of the diverse range of human experiences related to psychological well-being. We have learned that personality development, interpersonal communication styles, and self-reflective abilities result from both nature and nurture. Environmental stressors shape our brains and contribute to the genetics of future generations. Through the lens of trauma-informed care, we understand that our brains possess an instinctive, primal ability to develop stress responses for self-preservation.

Unfortunately, the term “mental illness” is often used to describe attitudes and behaviors that deviate from societal norms. It carries negative connotations and aligns with a medical model that asks, “What is wrong with you?” This view can contribute to stigma and prevent individuals from seeking help.

By changing our language, we can help change perceptions. Using terms like “mental health” or “wellness” instead can emphasize the brain’s intrinsic ability to heal and adapt.

The Shift from Illness to Wellness

In my therapy practice, shifting the language from illness to wellness opens many new avenues for understanding. While “illness” sounds daunting and frightening, “wellness” sounds hopeful and inclusive. This linguistic shift normalizes and unifies us as humans, encouraging individuals to take charge of their mental health. It fosters dialogue where people are spoken to and with rather than at or against, shifting the focus from self-deprecation to self-worth.

Breaking Down Barriers

Reducing stigma by changing our language may help break down the barriers that prevent individuals from seeking help. Emphasizing mental health and wellness promotes a more inclusive and non-judgmental approach, facilitating open dialogue and fostering deeper connections. This shift deactivates the stress response and activates higher-order brain functioning, allowing for discoveries that lead to a truer connection with ourselves.

While diagnostic labels help us understand and categorize mental health symptoms, they often fail to address the questions of “why” or “what happened to you?” Labels can dehumanize individuals.

By focusing on wellness, we can encourage a deeper understanding and more compassionate approach to mental health.

In summary, language plays a crucial role in shaping our understanding and attitudes toward mental health. By replacing “mental illness” with “mental health” or “wellness,” we can effect change beyond our comprehension. If this simple shift can create positive changes in the therapy room, imagine the impacts on our communities and society. Reframing the conversation around mental health can foster a shared understanding of common humanity, leading to greater compassion and a healthier society.

3 tips for promoting empowerment and wellness

1. Change Your Language: Begin by consciously using language that promotes mental wellness instead of mental illness. For instance, replace terms like "mental illness" with "mental health challenges" or "mental wellness journey." Language shapes perceptions. By using positive and empowering language, you contribute to reducing stigma and fostering a more inclusive and supportive environment for yourself and others.

2. Focus on Strengths and Resilience: Identify and focus on your strengths and resilience rather than solely on symptoms or diagnoses. Consider keeping a journal where you list your accomplishments, coping strategies, and moments of resilience each day. Highlighting your strengths and resilience can boost self-worth and encourage a mindset of growth and healing, which is key to promoting mental wellness.

3. Engage in Open Dialogue: Connect with others that emphasize mental wellness. Engage in conversations that prioritize understanding, empathy, and shared experiences. Encourage open dialogue with friends and family about mental health, focusing on wellness and self-care practices. Open dialogue helps break down barriers and creates a supportive network that fosters connection and healing, promoting a more inclusive approach to mental health.

By incorporating these steps into your daily life, you can contribute to a broader shift in how mental health is perceived and experienced, moving towards a focus on wellness and empowerment.


About the Author

Poppy Peluce-Fune is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and mental health therapist at OC Psychology Center. Visit her profile to learn more about her work.